Student Home Health Care in USA


The United States does not provide socialized health care. You'll find it helpful to learn about your local health care system before you really need it.

Student Home Health Care in USA 

The American healthcare system is one of the best (and most expensive) in the world. Medical care for a major accident or illness can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars; therefore, most Americans have health insurance to minimize costs.

However, the US health care system is difficult to understand, even for Americans. New and pending legislation within the federal government further complicates matters. Quality health care is available across the country from a variety of sources. The key is knowing the proper procedures and knowing where to go for specific types of care. This knowledge can save an international student significant amounts of time and money.

Medical care on campus

Most college and university campuses offer some form of general health care; Services range from basic first aid and treatment of minor ailments to sophisticated multi-physician primary care centers offering x-rays, lab tests, prescription medications and access to specialists. The cost of medical services on campus is usually not very high.

During your first week on campus, please bring a copy of your medical records (including shot and immunization records and prescriptions) to the school's health center or infirmary.

Leaving campus for medical care

If you prefer to see a doctor off campus, you have several options (although the cost is usually higher). Private physicians treat non-emergency patients by appointment during regular business hours, generally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 5 p.m. m. Minor ER clinics do not require appointments and are generally open on weekends and holidays.

In a serious emergency, go to the nearest hospital emergency room, by ambulance if necessary. Hospital emergency rooms are designed to treat life-threatening ailments; this is usually the most expensive place to receive care.

If you need to use a medical facility, but are not comfortable with your English skills, ask a friend to come with you. Proper communication is very important!

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